Samuel Linnell 111 - Veteran of King Phillips War

Samuel Linnell was the eldest child of David Linnell born around
Dec 15th, 1655. He was often
mistaken for his uncle, Shubael, Son of Robert Linnell and Peninna Howse who is
mentioned in the will of Thomas Ewer in 1667. (Amos Otis, Genealogical Notes of
Barnstable Families Vol 1 (1888) pg. 362). This
is where the Ewer/ Robert Linnell/Sarah Larned error came from and how scholars
estimated Robert’s birth at about 1584. Samuel
died sometime after 1733 possibly in Gorham, Maine where he received a grant of
land for his service the war as a “Narroganset
Soldier” (Hugh Davis McLellan, The History
of Gorham, Me (1902) pg.
The 1675 conflict with the Indians known as King Philip's
War had resulted in more deaths relative to the size of the population than any
other war in American history. Before the European settlement of southern New England,
the Narragansett tribal government was the sovereign authority over their
people and their general welfare. They educated their children, cared for their
sick, and fished in the bay that now bears their name. In 1675 their way of
living would come to an end.
The war was the greatest calamity to occur in
seventeenth-century New England and is considered by many to be the deadliest
war in the history of American colonization. In the space of little more than a
year, 12 of the region's towns were destroyed and many more were damaged, the
economy of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies was all but ruined and their
population was decimated, losing one-tenth of all men available for military
service. More than half of New England's
towns were attacked by Indians.
Carefully preserved in the special collections of the
American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, lies a fragile document vital to our
understanding of Peirce’s Fight. Dated March 27, 1676, it is the
actual letter written by Reverend Noah Newman one day after the battle and
carried by horseback messenger to Reverend John Cotton in Plymouth. (From Wikipedia and various
The following is a summary written by Joe Doherty called “Blood
on the Blackstone, Part 5 - Escape From Peirce’s Fight”
In Newman’s own hand, the letter describes Peirce
expedition’s overwhelming defeat: “But it pleased the Sovereign God so to order
it, yt they were inclosed wth a great multitude of the
enemy wch hath slaine 52 of o[ur] Engl: and 11 Indians.” The
letter also lists the English soldiers killed in Peirce’s command: “The
account of theire names is as follows: From Scituate 18 of wch 15
slaine (viz) Capt Peirce; Sam[torn] Benj: Chittington, John
Lathrope, Gershom Dodson, Sam Prat, Thom: Savery, Joseph Wade, Will: Welcome,
Jer: Barstow, John Ensign, Joseph Cowwen, Joseph Perry, John Perry, John
Rowse. Marshfield 9 slaine: Thomas
Littell, John Ems, Joseph White, John Burroughs, Joseph Phillips, Sam: Bump
John Low Mor[illegible] John Brance.
Duxborough 4 slaine: John Sprague, Benjamin Soa[illegible] Thomas Hunt,
Joshua Phobes – Sandwich 5 slaine: Benj: Nye[
] David Bessey, Caleb Blaike, Job Gibbs, Stephen Wing – Barnstable 6
slaine: Luift. Fuller, John Lues, Eliezir C[torn], Sam Lennet, Sam
Childs, Sam Boreman. – Yarmouth [ ] John Mathews, John Gage, Will Gage,
Hen: Gage, Hen: Gold. Estham 4 slaine:
Joseph Nessefield, John Walker, John M [torn], Nathaniel Williams. of Rehob: slaine 4: John Read, Benj. [torn],
John Fitch Junir , John Meller Junir , & Thomas Man
is returned wth a Sore wound.”
From Scituate,
15 dead. Marshfield, 9 dead. Duxbury, 4 dead. Sandwich, 5
dead. Barnstable 6 dead. Yarmouth,
5 dead. Eastham, 4 dead. Rehoboth, 4 dead. A total of 52 English dead. And one known survivor. “There
Sir you have a sad account of the Continuance of Gods displeasure against us …”
Newman wrote.
But Reverend Newman did not have the last word. After the letter left his custody, someone,
probably the recipient, Reverend John Cotton, made corrections to the document. Two of the names – “Sam Lennet” and “John
Mathews” -- were underlined and a handwritten note added, which
reads: Since the writing of this letter
John Mathews & Sam Linnit are found alive ...
Samuel Linnell (also spelled Linnet or Lennet) of Barnstable was 20 years old when he joined
Captain Michael Peirce’s regiment. How
this young man bore up under fire during the battle is not a matter of record
but we can guess that his youthful strength and reflexes served him well –
after all, he escaped the field of combat with his life while nearly every man
around him perished.
Linnell did not come away entirely unscathed, however – he
had a close brush with a musket ball, and this we know from a deposition given
by one Ebenezer Goodspeed on November 13th 1742, 64 years after Peirce’s Fight: “Sam’l
Linnell was out in Pearces Fight, so called and he and the said Sam’l Linnell
was the only English man of Barnstable that returned from that fight, and he
showed me his hat where it was shot through after his return from said Pearces
Fight.” Given the great span of
years, Goodspeed was probably just a boy when Sam Linnell came back to Barnstable larger than
life and impressed him with his bullet-riddled hat.
It is worth observing that a hat “shot through” figures
prominently in two of the stories associated with survivors of Peirce’s
Fight. Whether the two stories might
have a common origin -- for example, was it really Sam Linnell who outfoxed his
would-be assassin with the hat trick but was recast as a friendly Indian in
later versions of the story? -- is anyone’s guess.
In 1733, at the age of 78, Samuel Linnell received a grant
of land as payment for his service in Peirce’s Fight. That land, part of what was known then as
Narraganset Township No. 7, Lot 89, was situated in what is now Gorham, Maine.
John Mathews likewise received a land grant in Narraganset
Township No. 7. We know little of
Mathews’ background or service except that he too hailed from the Cape and was
one of five men recruited for the Peirce expedition from the town of Yarmouth. Mathews, Henry Gold and the three Gage
brothers -- John, Will and Henry – had
all marched off to Rehoboth together.
Only Mathews came back alive.
Reverend Newman listed both Linnell and Mathews men as “slaine,”
yet together with Thomas Man, they boosted the number of confirmed English
survivors of Peirce’s Fight to three. But
were there more? There is a cryptic
line in Reverend Newman’s letter which hints at that intriguing possibility: “The
account of theire names is as follows: From Scituate 18 of wch 15
slaine …,” etc.
Was the Reverend stating that Scituate had supplied 18
soldiers but he could confirm only 15 of them as dead? What became of the other three? An alternate interpretation is that 18 men
from Scituate
had been killed but only 15 could be positively identified – however, this
explanation seems unlikely, because it would raise Newman’s stated total of 52
English killed to 55.
We will probably never learn exactly what Mr. Newman
intended by those words, just as we may never be able to explain how or why he
mistakenly counted Samuel Linnell and John Mathews among the dead – and all for
the same reason: we don’t know what intelligence he had at his disposal when
composing his list of casualties.
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